Through collaboration with hospital partners, Epic supports the management of pharmaceutical components and the cost of investigational drug service delivery for clinical trials in all patient settings.

Clinical trials
Committed to supporting the development of new and evolving investigational drugs
Epic Pharmacy is committed to the delivery of clinical trials across Australia.
Epic Pharmacy supports a number of different clinical trials, including:
- Phase I through Phase IV trials
- Trials with clinical indications including solid tumours and cardiovascular, haematological, neurological, respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions
- Both commercially sponsored trials and unsponsored collaborative research studies
Epic Pharmacy follows all industry standards as defined by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Society of Hospital Pharmacists’ of Australia Standards of Practice for Pharmacy Investigational Drugs Services, with a focus on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) for the handling of investigational products for clinical trials and storage of investigational products within a secure, temperature controlled and monitored environment. All pharmacists must have undergone recognised online training and have a current GCP certificate.
All pharmacies are supported by an experienced clinical trial pharmacist with policies, procedures, guidelines, forms (including template trial documentation), training, and administrative guidance on issues such as pharmacy costs/budgets, contracts and indemnification. Learn more about Epic’s governance and education here.

As part of a quality assurance program, the QMSU audits the pharmacies providing clinical trial services on an annual basis, assessing pharmacy staff training, policies and procedures, trial documentation, facilities and equipment, storage of investigational products, trial prescriptions and investigational product labelling.